Health & Wellness
Wellness Plans​
Annual wellness exams
Wellness bloodwork
Vaccinations tailored to your pet's lifestyle
Heartworm and tick-borne disease (Lyme, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia) test (dogs)
Intestinal parasite screen
Heartworm and flea and tick preventatives
Internal Medicine
Diseases that our doctors work-up, diagnose, and recommend a treatment protocol for include:
Kidney disease
Thyroid disease
Liver disease
Urinary tract disease
Gastrointestinal disease
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing's disease)
Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's disease)
Annual dental cleanings may be recommended for your dog or cat. Tooth extractions may be needed based on the severity of periodontal disease.
Surgical Services
Soft Tissue procedures include:
Spay and neuter
Cesarian section
Hernia repair
Enucleation (removal of eye)
Splenectomy (removal of spleen)
Cystotomy (bladder stone removal)
Mass removals
Abdominal exploratory (foreign body removals, etc.)
Orthopedic procedures include:​
Limb fracture repair, including bone plating and intra-medullary pinning
We don't currently offer toe fracture repair.​
Limb amputation
Every patient under anesthesia will have recommendations given that may include pre-surgical bloodwork, intravenous fluids, and intra- and/or post-operative pain management. All pets will have temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate monitoring and control throughout surgery. Someone from our team will closely monitor your pet until they have recovered from anesthesia.
Digital Radiology and Ultrasound
This tool allows us to view your pet's internal organs and bones.
Reproductive Care
Progesterone level testing
Pregnancy diagnosis
Semen evaluation
Bloodwork and/or Urinalysis
Can be critical to wellness care, assessing anesthetic risk, and identifying illness
CBC, chemistry panels, electrolytes, and pancreatic screening done in-house
Microscopic Analysis
Intestinal parasite screening
Skin scraping analysis
Ear and skin cytology
Fine needle aspirates
We also work with outside laboratories for other advanced testing and infectious disease testing.